
Thursday, 12 October 2017

Exam question 5

'Explain how social contexts influence television programs. Refer to The Avengers.' 

Social context can have an influence on television programs, it doesn't only affect the audience watching but the actors within those programs. A good example of a program influence by social context is 'the avengers' , this was first aired 20 years after the war when people carried themselves well and were very well dressed. They had a great deal of pride in themselves and the way they dressed, the men would wear a bowler hats and suits. This shows that the men and possibly women were very knowledgeable about everything in their society and are focused on their appearance. However, in our society today we probably wouldn't be able to name different kinda of hats or take much notice.

The Avengers was aired 20 years after the war and after women first got the vote,1918,women were gaining more and more independence. The fact that Mrs Peel and Steed are equal in power proves how times were changing. The Avengers , as a program, wanted to show that men didn't need all the power they wanted women to start to feel more empowered. Usually in programs the man is the brave one and the one who goes on the investigations. However, in the Avengers we see Emma Peel taking on just as much of the work as Steed. For example, when Steed arrives to meet Mrs Peel she doesn't make him tea when he asks she simply says 'the milk's in the Kitchen'. This shows to the audience that she doesn't want to be any less important than him, she wants equal respect and importance.


  1. mark 3 out of 10. You are getting there but need to sharpen your exam technique.
    1. Cut three opening sentences (too general).
    2. Your first point is about formality in the upper classes so be specific (don't apply being 'well dressed' to all social groups as not everyone would wear bowlers). What about the tea service on the train?
    3. How did Emma Peel dress?
    4. 'after women first got the vote,1918.'This is too long before the 1960s to be made relevant here. You give a pertinent example of equality (Emma doesn't wait on Peel hand and foot) but you don't go into the way that Emma Peel behaves with independence, initiative and bravery on the mission.
    4. You miss out all the war context.


  2. 1. Draw attention to the national social anxieties caused by the recent war 'the enemy within' and the sinister conspiracies.
    2. Notice that Emma Peel is represented as an intelligent career woman on equal terms with Steed.
    3. You could have explained other issues: ethnic inequalities; assumption of heterosexuality; 60's generation gap between Peel and Steed; contested social values between 'swinging London and duty to Queen and country
