
Sunday, 8 October 2017

Exam question 2


In the first episode of cuffs we are introduced to the scenery and characters by panning shots that show Brighton. This gives the audience an idea of the general ethos of the program. As this is happening there is a voice over from the chief policeman, he is stating that his police officers carry themselves with 'pride, admiration, dedication and a lot of training' and  have 'moral responsibilities 'to the community. We see police officer Ryan on his way to stop the violence on the naturist beach as this is happening cross cutting back to the chiefs speech is used he states that his officers are well experienced and professional. That they carry out their jobs  ' while earning the greatest respect from the people they serve',this is particularly  ironic and comedic because he is disrespected completely by the stag revelers and victims. This method, cross cutting,  is effective because it  gives the audience the police's perspective and the 'criminals' perspective at the same time.

Further on into the episode we see Ryan and new officer Jake trying to sort out a very unstable drug addict and has used a knife in an attempt to hurt himself. To start with the inexperienced officer Jake has a very harsh tone towards the man which isn't what he's meant to do. Officer Ryan is very calm, kind and gentle towards the drug addict, his aim is not to punish him like any other criminals but to simple get him the help he needs. He gradually builds up a relationship by being so considerate, he has a vast wealth of experience. He makes small little jokes to try and put the addict as ease. Their methods contrast with each other greatly, as Jake learns how to deal with the situation. Piano music in the background, non diegetic sound, is used to show that he's learning. As the music progresses as does Jake's knowledge. He uses the more experienced police officers method ' i am here, I'm not going to leave you' , this is far more effective and he achieves what he needs to. He repeats this and the use if a close up camera shot shows the audience everything from that person's perspective and as we are understanding so is the character. We as the audience feel sympathetic towards what the police have to deal we on a daily basis.

In one of the last scenes is where a boy is assaulted by a racist gang simply because he's not white,he is stabbed in the back and taken to intensive care. Another police officer is introduced to us, Jo Moffat, she has to handle situation professionally but her only witness to the crime is a young boy so she has to get the balance of firm but sensitive. The audience not only sympathize with the victim but with what the police have to deal with. We view the police and Jo Moffat especially as professional and sympathetic towards each case.

1 comment:

  1. 9/10 marks
    Rather than 'general ethos', write 'specific location'.
    "As this is happening there is a voice over from the chief policeman, ": you need to say that this frames the visuals, anchoring the meaning that policing is an admirable, well respected career, before you can say that this is treated with irony.
    "he is disrespected completely by the stag revelers and victims.": good.
    Very good work on Ryan, then on Jake and Moffat:"We as the audience feel sympathetic towards what the police have to deal we on a daily basis.".
