The Lego movie ad break incorporates many well known companies who aim to further their promotion of their company or product. The use of well known advertisements/ trusted brands appeals to a wide audience, particularly older audiences who will use companies like BT and premier inn. This will increase the amount of people who use the companies and will therefore increase revenue (5% uplift). The trusted brands represent reliability and equality and is what makes them trusted brands and more appealing as remakes with lego. Another representation through ad breaks is humour, this is shown through the use of the lego figures, as it is replicating real adverts and could have an element of humour to many adults and even recognisable to younger people. At the end of the advert the lego movie itself is shown, this would entice many people, especially younger people to watch the film. Emmet is represented challenges the male stereotype and demonstrates fear whereas Wyldstyle is presented as a strong woman and very dominant. This contrasts completely to Emmet's character and coincides with the very feminist society today; which would therefore, appeal to a wide audience.